Moms With Camera

Moms With Camera

Before & After

Before & After Images

Move mouse over to see how we can turn your photos into professional looking portraits

How it works!

Now if you love the work of baby photographers like Anne Geddes . .you’ll love what we do with your images.  The beauty of it is – everybody loves to take photos . .
but who wants to or has the time to spend 3 years studying photoshop . . . to produce truly professional results.  Not you, I hear!!  Well, that’s where the real time and energy is spent in producing what we do.
All you need do – is join our click of ‘Moms with Camera’, we’ll teach you all you need to know, the cost-effective equipment you’ll need to buy, download all your brochures, business cards, posters and marketing material and start booking your very own parties . . .
Take a good look at our portraits in the 'before' and 'after' section and you’ll see the results you can expect to achieve . . . then go and check all the details  under 'What am I getting into!'  that’ll give you an idea of costs and the potential earnings you can make - just one day of shooting usually brings in more than most people earn in a fortnight of full time work . . .  oh! and check out the testimonials as well, these girls were former customers who loved what we do so much – they joined the company . . .

Official MWC Photographers

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How to

Here at MWC  . . . we have a simple  system of photography that will have all of you Moms out there (no matter where you live in the world) clicking away producing high quality images right from the start  . . .
And how do we do it, you ask?
1.  You photograph all your sessions on a simple background.
2.  Choose the images you want to use.
3.  Email them to us.

4.  We put them into a variety of the most gorgeous settings you could ever imagine.
5.  And email them back to your MWC members area for you to show your customers.
How simple is that!


I asked a few friends over that were also very keen to have their babies photographed and before we knew it, we were having a portrait party. So simple, so much fun and such fantastic pictures, everyone was left speechless.  It was then I decided that I needed to become a part of what Susha was developing.
I wanted to become a MOM with Camera t
oo. What a wonderful, exciting business venture, such a small outlay and the possibility of making a great income doing something you love, what more could you ask for, Oh not to mention all the gorgeous photos of your own children as they grow. 
Thanks Susha.
I wanted to create a photography company that utilised the experience of motherhood  . . . mothers have a special sisterhood . . . common bonds . .  common interests . . . and there’s nothing more important to them than the child in their life . .  their  center of attention (as it should be) . . . that’s why I decided – who better to train as baby photographers than Moms themselves . .  after all – they understand . . .  know how to hold them . . . how to get them to smile . . . . how to love them . . .
Also, I wanted a company that gave Moms independence and their very own business . . . that they could work when it suited . . . that was fun to do . . . gave them the chance to socialise and meet other Moms . . . photograph in a safe and personal environment  . . . and make money while they had a great time doing all of this.
That’s how ‘Moms with Camera Portrait Parties’ was born!

Founder & CEO
Moms with Camera

shooting from the heart!  





